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The world changes, like it or not, as we hang on for dear life, new things swirl around us new doors opening and old ones closing.Ā Best not to fight it and perhaps, if we are lucky, savor the changes, because why not!Ā
So when a meeting of the minds sought a new course for our business we made the difficult decision to leave retail behind and embrace our ever-growing wholesale business. Of course, we are not really leaving retail, because all our products are headed for a retail market as their final destination. We realized that our small boutique company would better serve our customers concentrating like a laser beam on custom design. We will be offering our large line to our wholesale customers so many of our generic designs will still be available through stores throughout the nation and beyond. Please see our store locator on our website Kittykeller.com.Ā

New beginnings, now that I like. When we consider our lives and really take a look backward we can see the road has been curvy. Certainly, my creative journey has been filled with variety. See some of the pictures of what I have done over these years, especially in the beginning when all my offerings were each hand-painted, included in this blog. If I were to receive one award for the years I have put into this work it would be for fearlessness. Perhaps with this fearlessness comes a little ignorance and frankly this might just be ok. If we really knew what challenges lay ahead we might just quit.
So as we welcome New Beginnings let me thank you all for your support and please keep it up. You will be seeing us in more places than ever going forward as we expand our reach and gain all kinds of new wholesale customers and the challenges that those customers bring.
I will be showing more of my fine art process and creative life on our social media.Ā Please follow us. We will be continuing with giclee prints of my fine art that will be available retail on our website. I am gleefully creating more and more fine art and love the process of making a mess as my Grandmother Katy Traeger would say.Ā
Happy New Year and cheers to new beginnings.

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